Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Faculty Directory
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Faculty Directory

Stacy Albers
Second Grade Teaching Assistant
Chris Allen
Counselor, Upper School; History Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Rana Andrews ’86
School Store Associate, Business Office
Christy Archer
Science Teacher, Middle Grades
Christie Atkins
Math Teacher, Upper School
Jennifer Bagby
Assistant Director of Day Admission, PK-5; Strings Assistant
Cristy Baldwin
World Language Department Head; Spanish Teacher, Grades 6-8; Middle Grades Team Leader; Middle School Head Tennis Coach
Brent Bell LD’14
Head of School
Kim Bell
Head of Regester House; iPeriod Coordinator
Paul Bell
Systems Administrator, Database Administrator and Technology Support
Drew Besson
Math Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Breonna Blankenship
Math Teacher, Upper School
Misty Boling
English Teacher, Grades 6-8: Residential Duty Staff
Blake Bourg
Math Teacher, Upper School
Ivy Brewer
Dean of College Guidance; Residential Duty Staff
Dawn Brock
Director of Library Services
Donny Brown
Athletic Trainer
Tori Brown
Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
Elizabeth Bruce ’03
Head of Thornwood House
Justin Bruce
Learning Specialist, Upper School; Upper School Registrar
Annie Camp
Orchestra Director, 3-12
Mario Cantin
Spanish Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Cassidy Moody Carter
Director of Development
Logan Cesareo
Director of Dining Services
Courtney Cescutti
Second Grade Teacher
Maddie Chastain
Content Manager, Communications; Residential Duty Staff
Jamarcus Chatman
Director of Student Outreach
Allison Clark
Personal Counselor, Upper School
Sam Clark
English Teacher, College Advisor, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
BeBe Cline
Fifth-Grade Teacher; Grades 3-5 Team Leader
Kelsie Coccia
Learning Specialist, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Mallory Collier
English Teacher, Upper School
Patrick Collier ’08
History Teacher, Grades 6-8
Madeline Cornwell ’11
Administrative Assistant, Upper School
John Cox
English Teacher, Upper School; College Advisor; Residential Duty Staff
Madge Crawford ’84
College Guidance Office Administrator
Shelley Daniel
Theatre Director, 6-12; Residential Duty Staff
Jody Deaton
Kindergarten Teacher
Spenser Dunn
Pre-K to 8 Music Teacher
Carrie Eady
Director of Human Resources; Residential Duty Staff
Stefan Eady
Assistant Head of School for Academic Affairs; A.P. Computer Science Teacher; Residential Duty Staff
Chris Eberhart
Math Teacher, Grades 6-8; Director of Student Activities
Garvin Edwards
Academic Support Coordinator, Learning Center
Ashley Evans
Spanish Teacher, Grades 6-8
Brant Evans
Assistant Director of Upper School; College Adviser; Head Cross Country Coach
Terar Everhart ’ 13, LD ’23
Dean of Students; Residential Duty Staff
Natalie Ferguson
Chief Financial Officer, Business Office
Derek Fine
Director of Information Technology, Network Administrator
Leslie Finley ’85
Student Billing Manager, Business Office
Mary-Kate Fowee
Pre-K to 8 Librarian
Andrea Frazier
Spanish Teacher, Pre-K to 5
Betina Fuentes
English Department Head; English Teacher, Upper School
Kristy Garrett
Pre-Kindergarten Teaching Assistant; Director of Extended Day
Travis Gaug
History Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Ella Givens ’17
Director of Annual Giving
Carmen Gonzalez Jimenez
Spanish Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Wayne Groves
Director of Strength & Conditioning, Head Football Coach
Payton Guest ’10
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Eddie Guth
Director of Athletics
Virginia Guth ’79, LD ’20
First Grade Teaching Assistant
Doug Hamil
Head of Moser House; Weekend Activities Coordinator
Lisy Hammontree
Spanish Teacher, Upper School
Anna Harris ’11
Speed and Strength Conditioning Coach, Athletics; Residential Duty Staff
Damon Harvey
Band Director, 6-12; Residential Duty Staff
Jaclyn Haynes
Science Teacher, Upper School; College Advisor; Residential Duty Staff
Susan Herring
Student Health Center Nurse
Keegan Hinsley
English Teacher, Upper School
John Hintermaier
History Teacher, Upper School
Julia Houston
Learning Specialist, Pre-K-8
Mike Hudson ’94, LD ’18
Science Teacher, Upper School; College Advisor
Kevin Hunt
Assistant Athletic Director; Athletic Coordinator, Pre-K to 8
Brian Inman
History Department Head; History Teacher, Upper School; Junior Grade Level Chair
Tara Inman
Dean of Community Life; College Advisor; Residential Duty Staff
Kevin Ivester ’87
Math Teacher, Grades 6-8
Alex Johnson
Choral Director, Residential Duty Staff
Charly Jones ’03
Student Health Center Nurse Supervisor
Hope Jones
Director of Pre-K to 8; Residential Duty Staff
Jenna Jones
Art Intern, Pre-K to 8
Molly Jordan
Learning Specialist, Lower Grades
Jennifer Kelley
English Teacher, Upper School
Erin Kennedy
Athletic Trainer
Tannika King
Director of Communications
Owen Kinney
Science Department Head; Science Teacher, Upper School; Robotics Coordinator
Rebekah Kinney
Assistant Director Pre-K to 8
Barbara Kuckhoff
Science Teacher, Upper School
Jessica Laliberte
Director of the Teaching and Learning Center; Residential Duty Staff
Matt Laliberte
English Teacher, Grades 6-8
Matt Larry
Physical Education Teacher, Pre-K to 8
Callum Lees
Soccer Academy Coach
Brendan Leezer
Science Teacher, Upper School
Chad Liddle
Director of Soccer Academy
Darcy Liddle
Physical Education Teacher, Pre-K to 8
Alan Liow
History Teacher, Upper School
Mark Loudermilk
Physical Education Teacher, Upper School
Lauren Loy
Controller, Business Office
Julie Lucas ’97
Chief Advancement Officer
Leah Lynn
Technology Integration
Jamie Massey
Third Grade Teacher
Brooks Mathis
Director of Giving Programs, Advancement Office
Brie Mauer ’18
Learning Specialist, Middle Grades
Aaron McCollum
Math Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Steve McConnell
Third Grade Teacher
Ali McDermott
Technology Support
Ella Moore
Art Intern, Pre-K to 8
Mary Austin Morgan ’13
Associate Director of Boarding Admissions
Kobe Nadu ’20
Long Term Substitute
Kerri Nagle
Dean of Residential Life; Residential Duty Staff
Mike Natarella
Fourth Grade Teacher
Rebecca Nolin
Head of Cooper House
Matt Nolin
Systems Engineer, Technology Support
Kathy O’Mara
Art Teacher, Upper School; College Adviser
Monisha Patel
Science Teacher, Upper School
Wendy Payne
Executive Assistant to the Director of Pre-K to 8
Jess Peer
First Grade Teacher
Matthew Peer
Assistant Head of School for Enrollment Management
Ethan Pender ’16
Communication Arts, Upper School
Paige Peppers
Database Manager, Admission; Marketing Coordinator, Communications
Stephani Perkins
Science Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Kimberly Pichardo
Spanish Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Joe Pitts
Head of Neville House
Kevin Ray
Head Coach, Boys Soccer Academy
Nehemiah Reddish
Physical Education Teacher, Upper School
Celeste Rivers
Learning Specialist, Pre-K to 8
Paige Rogers
Pre-K to 2 Librarian
Samantha Rush
History Teacher, Grades 6-8
J.P. Selle
Director of Tennis Academy
Ellie Sherrod
Assistant Director of Boarding Admissions
Heather Shores
History Teacher, Upper School; College Advisor
Al Shorey
Math Department Head; Math Teacher, Upper School;
Beth Smith ’87, LD ’12
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
Randy Smith
Head of Summerbell House; Co-Director of Student Activities
Melissa Smyly
Director of Curriculum and Instruction; Residential Duty Staff
Charles Steeves
Assistant Director of Boarding Admission
Julie Swartz
Accounts Payable Manager, Business Office
Jenifer Thoem
Art Teacher, Pre-K to 8
Julia Thomas ’07, LD’15
Campaign Director
Reilly Thomas
Science Teacher, Middle Grades
Kim Tunnell
Director of Fine Arts; Residential Duty Staff
Mark Tunnell
Assistant Director of Day Admission, 6-12
Vicki Vincent
Director of Alumni Relations, Advancement
Barrick Wade ’19
Math Teacher, Upper School
Carrie Watterson
Fourth Grade Teacher
Jordan West
Upper School Librarian; College Advisor; Residential Duty Staff
Laura West
Fifth Grade Teacher
Nathan West
Assistant Athletic Director, Head Boys Basketball Coach; Residential Duty Staff
Hannah Willerson ’19
Advancement Services Officer
Jared Willerson
History Teacher, Upper School; College Advisor,
Becca Wood
Director of Events and Engagement, Advancement Office
Chad Woods
Director of Upper School
Lindsay Woods
Assistant Controller, Business Office
Bebe Zazzaro
Counselor, Pre-K to 8, Advisory Coordinator, Advisor Student Council, Advisor for the Student Committee; Residential Duty Staff
Sara Zeller
Long Term Substitute, Upper School English