Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Announcements
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Some text some message..

New Announcements

Reminder: Monday, March 31, is the Last Day to Order Prom T-shirts!

Grades > 9-12

Monday, March 31, is the LAST DAY to order Prom T-shirts! Don't miss your chance to own a t-shirt designed by our very own Mrs. Paige Rogers! 


UPDATE! Because the Prom shirts are so awesome this year, we have had lots of people reach out to ask if they can order them, even though they aren't in 11th or 12th grade.  The answer is YES, absolutely! 9th and 10th graders, faculty, and parents--ALL are welcome to order a Prom t-shirt, designed exclusively for Darlington by our very on Mrs. Paige Rogers!

Calling all Juniors and Seniors!

Tickets and t-shirts for Prom 2025: An Evening in an Enchanted Garden are on sale now!

  • Tickets: $50 each if purchased before April 7. Starting April 7, the price increases to $60.
  • T-Shirts: $30 each (must be pre-ordered). Sales close at the end of the school day on March 31. Shirts will be distributed on Thursday, April 10, and may be worn to school on Friday, April 11.

If you plan to bring a guest who does not attend Darlington, please see Mrs. Cornwell to pick up a Non-Darlington Guest Permission Form. Forms must be returned to her no later than Tuesday, April 8.

Visit Prom 2025 Ticket and T-shirt Order Form to purchase your tickets and t-shirts.

For questions, contact Mrs. Inman at tinman@darlingtonschool.org. 

WrAP Testing Information For Grades 4, 6 and 8

Grades > Pre-K to 8

The Education Records Bureau’s Writing Assessment (WrAP) will be given in the fourth, sixth, and eighth grades on Monday, April 7, and Tuesday, April 8. Testing will begin both days at the start of school and last for one full hour. Please avoid planned absences on the test days.

Light the Lake T-Shirts

Grades > Pre-K to 12

We are so excited to share that Light the Lake t-shirt sales have re-opened to accomodate additional orders! All t-shirt proceeds will go toward Light the Lake's community partners, Cancer Navigators and Summit Quest. The shirts were designed by Darlington junior, Ava Ann Woods. Shirt sales will close today, Friday, March 28, at 3 p.m. to ensure shirts are delivered before Light the Lake on April 4, so make sure you order yours today. 

Order your shirts here!

Thank you for supporting Light the Lake. We hope to see you there!

Lifeguard Certification Course Information

Grades > 9-12

For students aged 15 and older who are interested in lifeguard certification, please refer to the attached document.

3-5 Spring Concert Information

Grades > Pre-K to 8

Please join us on Wednesday, April 2 at noon for the 3-5 Spring Concert. This concert will feature performances from all music classes in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades including 3rd Grade General Music, 4th Grade Band and Strings, 5th Grade Band and Strings, and 4th and 5th Grade Chorus. 

Artwork from these three grade levels will also be on display in and around the Ledbetter Commons and we hope you will take time to view these special pieces on display.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, April 2!

Digital Detox Days

Grades > 9-12

We’re excited to announce our upcoming Digital Detox Days! These special days will give you the opportunity to take a break from your phones and focus on your mental wellbeing.

Our first Digital Detox Day will be this Friday, March 28th, followed by April 25th and May 2nd. On these days, you will have the opportunity to turn in your phones for the day. The reward for participating is a free dress day on the same day.  So on Friday, if you will be turning your phone in, go ahead and wear school appropriate free dress.  However, if you know that you will not be relinquishing your phone, then you must wear your uniform. 

Also, as a safety precaution, please know that if you choose to participate and earn a dress down day for going phone free on Friday, you will also not be allowed to leave campus until the end of the school day once your phone is returned to you. If you have any questions, please email me or see a member of the DarTech Team. 

We can’t wait for you to join us and take a step toward a healthier relationship with technology!


Rome Floyd Chamber Emerge High School Leadership Program Applications Due March 31

Grades > 9-12

Rising sophomores and juniors are invited to apply for the Rome Floyd Chamber’s Emerge: High School Leadership Rome program. Representatives from all area schools are selected to participate in this year-long program that exposes students to different aspects of our community as well as valuable lessons in leadership. Emerge sessions take place once a month beginning at the start of the upcoming school year. 

Applications for Emerge are due March 31, and you can apply online at https://form.jotform.com/250155591758161.


Grades > 9-12

This summer Pepperell will be hosting the Board of Education drivers education program. For all who would like to sign up please review the attached form.

3rd Annual TRI ESP Triathlon

Grades > Pre-K to 12

We are thrilled to host the 3rd annual TRI ESP triathlon on May 3, 2025!

Race Time- 5:00 pm

Celebration/Food Trucks/Awards- 6:00 pm

ESP (Extra Special People) is a wonderful organization in Rome dedicated to supporting families with children and adults with disabilities. It strives to create transformative experiences, and the TRI is just one of the many ways it makes a difference!

We’re looking for buddies to race alongside participants, offer encouragement, and assist as needed. Volunteers are also needed throughout the race course to cheer and support the athletes. Additionally, we need helping hands for setting up and taking down the course, as well as making our BRAG session and celebration truly incredible!

Please reach out to Beth Smith- bsmith@darlingtonschool.org if you have questions, or want to volunteer/be a buddy!

View Related Link

Fine Arts Art in 3D Delight Calendar for Spring Events

Grades > Pre-K to 12

The Fine Arts Department is please to share the calendar of events for the Art in 3D Delight Season. We hope you will join us for the exhibits and performances as we wrap up the year and celebrate student accomplishments.

Rising 10th, 11th and 12th Grade Course Preregistration

Grades > 9-12

Course Preregistration for the 2025-2026 school year is open until Friday, April 11.  Students may edit their Google Form responses until that date.  Please refer to the Advising Plan for the course list.

Student Leadership Application Dates

Grades > 9-12

Please see the link for application due dates for all student leadership positions for next year.  We encourage students to attend the information sessions so that they are fully aware of what the position is and how the application and election process works.

View Related Link

Senior Events for the Class of 2025

Grades > 9-12


SATURDAY, APRIL 12, Jr/Sr Prom  - Johnson Field House of Huffman Athletic Center

Senior Lead Out - 8:00 p.m. (Seniors line up at 7:30 p.m., Outside Huffman Athletic Center)

Parent Reception immediately following the Lead-Out; Location: Home on the Hill


E.L. Wright Academic Awards Assembly – Location: Morris Chapel, 9:15 a.m. 

Parents will be notified in advance if their child is receiving an award.

MONDAY-FRIDAY – MAY 5  - 16 (weekdays only), AP Exams

AP Exams (see online calendar for specific exam dates and times)

FRIDAY - MAY 9,  Breakfast for Senior GHSA Athletes (including cheer)

7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m., Location: Dodd Banquet Room 

FRIDAY – MAY 9,  Mandatory Graduation Rehearsals  

Graduation Rehearsal, Darlington Campus – chapel lawn, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Exemptions announced and college information wrap-up.  Attendance for all seniors at rehearsals is required.

MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY – MAY 12, 13, 14  in the Dodd Banquet Room, Senior Exams

Morning Exams - 8:15 a.m.; Afternoon Exams - 1:00 p.m.

May 13   (8:15-History, 1:00-English)

May 14   (8:15-Science, 1:00-World Languages)

May 15   (8:15-Math/Technology, 1:00-Fine Arts)

TUESDAY, MAY 13 - Senior Picnic

5:30 p.m., Location: at the home of Tressa and Charlie Baggett, 17 Rushden Way SE, Rome

Casual Dress, please bring a swimsuit and towel. 

Transportation provided for boarding students - meet at the student center steps at 5:10 p.m. 

WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 – Senior Show

Location: Morris Chapel, 6:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, MAY 15- Soccer Academy Banquet

Location: Yankee Wrestling Room, 6:00p.m.

FRIDAY, May 16- Soccer Academy Brunch

Location: TBD, 11:00am

FRIDAY, MAY 16 – Honors Day Program 

Honors Day, Location: Morris Chapel, 1:30 p.m.

Parents will be notified in advance if their child is receiving an award.

FRIDAY, MAY 16 - Baccalaureate Service & Reception

Baccalaureate Service, Location: Morris Chapel, 7:00 p.m. Speaker: TBD

Seniors arrive at 6:40 p.m. - line up on the Zelle patio

Baccalaureate Reception hosted by US Tiger PRIDE, 8:00 p.m., McCallie-Kennedy patio (rain or shine)

SATURDAY - MAY 17 - Commencement

Commencement, Darlington Campus, Chapel Lawn, 9:30 a.m. (rain location: Van Es Arena of the Huffman Athletic Center) Speaker: TBD

Photographer will take group photos on the library steps beginning at 8:00 a.m.  

  • Groups will include an entire class photo, international students, 4-year boarding, PK-12 Students, Legacy families, etc.

Sound check for choir and orchestra seniors, 8:30 a.m. Location: risers behind the stage

Seniors line up at 9:00 a.m. on the pathway to Home on the Hill. 

SATURDAY – MAY 17 – Brunch Reception for Boarding Seniors and their Guests   

Location: Dodd Banquet Room, immediately following Commencement. 

More detailed information will be sent to parents of boarding seniors. 




Blue blazer w/Darlington crest*

khaki slacks

White shirt


Socks & dark dress shoes (no sneakers)



Blue blazer w/Darlington crest*

gray slacks

White shirt

Darlington purple senior tie/bowtie*

Socks & dark dress shoes (no sneakers)

*Visit the Darlington Bookstore to purchase crests and/or senior ties. Slacks CANNOT be purchased through the Darlington Bookstore. Use the links provided for options for gray slacks: 

Classic Fit - Dark Gray


Slim Fit - Dark Gray




Dress OR dress slacks and blouse

Dress shoes (no sneakers)



White dress OR white dress slacks and white blouse 

(off-white clothing strongly discouraged)  

White or skin-tone dress shoes (no sneakers)

Today's Calendar
All Day
Upper School Performing Arts Trip
Universal Orlando
9:15–9:45 am
Upper School Advisory
Darlington School Campus
11:20 am–12:40 pm
U19 Boys Soccer Academy vs Jeff Cup - Brooklyn FC
Richmond, VA
2:40–4 pm
U16/U17 Boys Soccer Academy vs Jeff Cup - Lehigh Vally United ECNL RL
Richmond, VA
4–5:30 pm
Boys Varsity Baseball vs Haralson County
Darlington School
4–5:30 pm
Boys Varsity Track and Field vs Friday Night Lights
Barron Stadium
4–5:30 pm
Girls Varsity Track and Field vs Friday Night Lights
Barron Stadium
5:30–7 pm
Girls Varsity Soccer vs Temple
Darlington School
7:30–9 pm
Boys Varsity Soccer vs Temple
Darlington School
Regester:  K. Pichardo (ROC C. Gonzalez)
Thornwood:  E. Bruce
Cooper:  B. Nolin
Summerbell:  A. McCollum (ROC R. Smith)
Moser:  S. Perkins (ROC J. Pitts)
Neville:  J. Pitts
AOD:  M. Smyly