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Jason Turner - FF/S

Alumni issue Annual Fund challenge
August 30, 2010
In honor of Darlington's 105th anniversary, nine alumni have issued an Annual Fund challenge to fellow alumni who have never given, or who have not given in the past couple of years.
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Class of 2009 meets senior challenge
May 14, 2009
For the second consecutive year - and only the second time in school history – Darlington’s senior class has achieved 100 percent participation in the Annual Fund Senior Challenge.

Each year, seniors are encouraged to make a donation to the Annual Fund as their first step toward recognizing the roles and responsibilities they have as alumni. Last year, 114 members of the class of 2008 raised more than $600 and became the first class to meet this challenge, which was initiated two years ago by a local, anonymous trustee.

“We were excited when the Class of 2008 became the first group to achieve this milestone,” said Jason Turner, annual fund gifts officer. “While that was certainly impressive, the Class of 2009 was able to do it with 139 members, raising more than $900 altogether. I think this establishes a tradition of which all Darlington alumni can be proud.”

The seniors' perfect participation triggers a $2,009 gift from the anonymous trustee to the Annual Fund in honor of the Class of 2009. Students were encouraged to make a donation in honor of a teacher, coach, adviser or staff member who made an impact on them during their time at Darlington.

“In a challenging year for annual giving, this is a significant boost to our Annual Fund campaign,” Turner said. “We are very grateful to both the ’09 bunch and to this trustee for such a tremendous display of leadership and loyalty.”

Senior Gifts:

Erin Ables in honor of Matthew Jones

Kathryn Aldrich in honor of James Milford

Cole Allen in honor of Jim Van Es

Justin Baker

Dylan Baker in honor of Mitch Jordan

Caroline Baker

Delfina Bandiera in honor of Kila and Tim McCann

Anjali Banerjee in honor of Owen Kinney

Emily Baron in honor of John Cox

Emily Barron

Anna Biggers

Korea Black in honor of Phil Titus

Isabel Bonnyman in honor of Jean Bonnyman

Anderson Boone

Meg Bowden

Victoria Broadhead

Garrett Brown in honor of Will Camp

Katie Brown

Nastassia Bryant

Rachel Buckle

Moriah Burnett in honor of John Cox

David Burton

Allen Bushkuhl

Jae Yoon Byun in honor of Bailey Duncan

Kidd Cao in honor of Betsy Awsumb

Spencer Carroll in honor of Craig Schmidt

Miss Ebony Carter

Anisha Chandra

Esha Chandra

Zi Yang Chen in honor of Julia Dodd

Lyn Chen

Eric Chiu in honor of Donald Sweeney

Nora Cook in honor of Mitch Jordan

Thomas Craton in honor of Jason Turner

Michael deGolian in honor of John Cox and Owen Kinney

Neil Desai

Bear Dines in honor of Justin Arpan

Alexandra Dodd in honor of Jennifer Amobi

Harrison Douglas in honor of George and Betsy Awsumb and John Cox

Trista Dowdy

Lauren Dulaney in honor of Madge Crawford

Mark Dunagan in honor of Vickie Haney

Carl Edge

Devin Eman in honor of Tim McCann

Amee Eubank in honor of Jim Van Es

Katie Flint in honor of Pat Waddell

Matt Flint in honor of Will Camp

David Forgac

Anna Fox in honor of Phil Titus and Kathy O’Mara

Nicholas Glass in honor of David Powell

Matthew Glover

Ben Goldberg in honor of Reba Barnes

Tyshawn Good in honor of Jim Van Es

Shanarra Goode in honor of James Milford

Lindsay Griffin in honor of Beth Wilson

Adrienne Hamil in honor of Tara Inman

Lauren Hampton in honor of Sam Moss

Julia Hansen in honor of Donald Sweeney

Jessica Harris

Rachel Hong in honor of George Awsumb

Britney Hughes in honor of Owen Kinney

Pepe Ivars

Cleve Jackson in honor of Tollie Ross

Gregory Jackson in honor of Jamie Jackson

Fred Johnson in honor of Donnie Ray Tate

Michael Johnson in honor of George Awsumb

Thad Jolly in honor of Tim Garrett

Taylor Josey in honor of Kevin Ivester

Beau Kanskulthorn

Allan Katzef in honor of Kila McCann

Bess Kelley

Katlyn Kerr

Thomas Kuckhoff in honor of Donald Sweeney

Josh Land in honor of Jim Van Es

Rea Law in honor of Owen Kinney

Wright Ledbetter in honor of Will Camp and Stormy Johnson

Kun Sun Lee

Jaemin Lee in honor of Kila McCann

Mike Limpornpipat in honor of Julia Dodd

Michael Lo in honor of George Awsumb and Kay Lowe

Anna Loveless

Cris Lowe in honor of Kay Lowe

Ming-Gean Lu in honor of Raymond Murray and Rachel Turner

Natalie Maffett in honor of Madge Crawford

Ramy Mahfouz

Oscar Martinez-Tirado

Jim Matthews in honor of Jim Van Es

Jawad Mazhir

Kim McAbee in honor of Pat Waddell

Lauren McDaniel

Ian McKenzie in honor of Donald Sweeney

Tamara McKenzie in honor of John Cox

Jessica Moore

Katie Mullen in honor of Julia Dodd

Cha-ame Napombejara in honor of Donald Sweeney and Raymond Murray

Kelsey Nelon

Thuy Nguyen in honor of Cooper House

Rick O'Neal in honor of Gordon Hight and Jason Turner

Will Orr

Costanza Ospina in honor of Owen Kinney

Jin Woo Park in honor of Phil Titus

Monique Picon in honor of Owen Kinney

Patrick Pierson in honor of Tollie Ross

Jackie Pober in honor of Pat Waddell

Miss Laurie Pope

Collie Powers in honor of Jason Turner

Jett Wayne Puckett in honor of David Powell

Alex Purdie

Kurt Purvis in honor of Donald Sweeney

Ethan Ray

Laura Rhoades in honor of Karen Bennett and Jason Turner

Brian Rhoden

Taylor Richardson in honor of Bailey Duncan

Basti Richter in honor of Tim McCann

Sharpe Sablon in honor of Jason Turner

Syaweli Saputra

Stephanie Schecter

Juliet Serabian in honor of Kelly McDurmon

Kevin Shen

Connor Somerville in memory of Anne Somerville

Cedrica Spivey in honor of Kathy O’Mara

Anna Stephenson in honor of Dan Bishop and John Cox

Katie Stout in honor of Brian Inman

Yumehito Takimoto in honor of Dan Bishop

Ariel Tang in honor of Brant Evans

Rachel Tillman in honor of Owen Kinney

Jonathan Tullos

Gavin Tumblin in honor of Vickie Haney

Sam Tumlin in honor of Raymond Murray

Cavin Urquhart in honor of Tara Inman

Murat Varol in honor of Kila McCann

Abby Vincent in honor of Will Camp

Nguyen Vo

Megan Ware in honor of Raymond Murray

John Weeks in honor of Beth Wilson

Eric Wetherington in honor of Phil Titus

Morgan Whitman in honor of Mark Carleton

Mackenzie Wilson in honor of James Milford

Joey Yip

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Atlanta-area alumni phonathons coming soon
March 3, 2009
Darlington School will host two Atlanta-area alumni phonathons to benefit the Annual Fund March 23 and 24. The events will be held at the law offices of Epstein, Becker and Green, located at Resurgens Plaza, 945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2700. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. with the phonathon to follow at 6:30 p.m. A special thanks to Brad Skidmore (’80) for helping host this special event! Please come out and support your alma mater and help us reconnect with your fellow classmates. If you would like to volunteer, contact Jason Turner at 706-236-0419 or 706-252-4628.

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Phonathons raise over $123,000 in two nights
September 17, 2008
In only two nights, volunteers for this year’s Fall Phonathon Week raised $123,025 for the 2008-09 Annual Fund. This puts the total amount raised at $472,726 with the Darlington Community well on its way to achieving this year’s goal of $1.35 million.

“We aimed to raise a minimum of $100,000 this week with two phonathons rather than the usual three, and with the help of 24 alumni and parent volunteers I am pleased to say that we drastically exceeded our goal,” said Jason Turner, Annual Fund gifts officer. “We could not have done this without our dedicated volunteers. I’d also like to thank Trustee Bob Hortman (’72), chairman, for providing strong leadership to this year’s Annual Fund Board of Volunteers. Together, this group is achieving great things for Darlington.”

This week’s volunteers included Hortman, Holly Baldwin, Caroline Seigler Brearely (’99), Linda Brunt, Henry Brown (’51), Cathy O’Neill Dollar (’68), Pete (’57) and Suzy Gilbert, Ivey Harrison (’99), Barry (’83) and Jody (’84) Hurley, Mark and Belinda MacKimm, Ben McElrath (’02), Brian and Gina McWhorter, Jennifer Strickland, Lorie Thoms, Rachel Rice Turner (’98), Pam Ware, Ed Watters (’83), Joe Watters (’80), and Steve (’73) and Ann Wilhoite.

“I’d like to thank each one of these people for their tremendous efforts on Darlington’s behalf. Everyone worked extremely hard to make this week a success,” said Turner. “This reflects a tremendous show of love and support of Darlington by our parents and alumni despite a questionable time for our country’s economy.”

Also, the Middle School became the first division to reach 100-percent participation among faculty and staff in August, with the Lower School achieving the same goal in early September. The Upper School is close behind at more than 90 percent participation.

“I want to give a special thanks to our faculty chairpersons Beth Smith (’87), Susan Stout (’81) and Owen Kinney for heading up a great effort at all three divisions,” said Turner. “These teachers have really set the precedent for faculty giving at Darlington.”

For more information about the Annual Fund, please contact Jason Turner at 706-236-0419. Click here to give online.
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Faculty take on new roles for 2008-09
June 21, 2008
Several faculty and staff members will take on new and/or additional job roles in 2008-09. All changes are affective July 1, unless otherwise noted.
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Alumni issue Annual Fund challenge
August 30, 2010
In honor of Darlington's 105th anniversary, nine alumni have issued an Annual Fund challenge to fellow alumni who have never given, or who have not given in the past couple of years.
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Class of 2009 meets senior challenge
May 14, 2009
For the second consecutive year - and only the second time in school history – Darlington’s senior class has achieved 100 percent participation in the Annual Fund Senior Challenge.

Each year, seniors are encouraged to make a donation to the Annual Fund as their first step toward recognizing the roles and responsibilities they have as alumni. Last year, 114 members of the class of 2008 raised more than $600 and became the first class to meet this challenge, which was initiated two years ago by a local, anonymous trustee.

“We were excited when the Class of 2008 became the first group to achieve this milestone,” said Jason Turner, annual fund gifts officer. “While that was certainly impressive, the Class of 2009 was able to do it with 139 members, raising more than $900 altogether. I think this establishes a tradition of which all Darlington alumni can be proud.”

The seniors' perfect participation triggers a $2,009 gift from the anonymous trustee to the Annual Fund in honor of the Class of 2009. Students were encouraged to make a donation in honor of a teacher, coach, adviser or staff member who made an impact on them during their time at Darlington.

“In a challenging year for annual giving, this is a significant boost to our Annual Fund campaign,” Turner said. “We are very grateful to both the ’09 bunch and to this trustee for such a tremendous display of leadership and loyalty.”

Senior Gifts:

Erin Ables in honor of Matthew Jones

Kathryn Aldrich in honor of James Milford

Cole Allen in honor of Jim Van Es

Justin Baker

Dylan Baker in honor of Mitch Jordan

Caroline Baker

Delfina Bandiera in honor of Kila and Tim McCann

Anjali Banerjee in honor of Owen Kinney

Emily Baron in honor of John Cox

Emily Barron

Anna Biggers

Korea Black in honor of Phil Titus

Isabel Bonnyman in honor of Jean Bonnyman

Anderson Boone

Meg Bowden

Victoria Broadhead

Garrett Brown in honor of Will Camp

Katie Brown

Nastassia Bryant

Rachel Buckle

Moriah Burnett in honor of John Cox

David Burton

Allen Bushkuhl

Jae Yoon Byun in honor of Bailey Duncan

Kidd Cao in honor of Betsy Awsumb

Spencer Carroll in honor of Craig Schmidt

Miss Ebony Carter

Anisha Chandra

Esha Chandra

Zi Yang Chen in honor of Julia Dodd

Lyn Chen

Eric Chiu in honor of Donald Sweeney

Nora Cook in honor of Mitch Jordan

Thomas Craton in honor of Jason Turner

Michael deGolian in honor of John Cox and Owen Kinney

Neil Desai

Bear Dines in honor of Justin Arpan

Alexandra Dodd in honor of Jennifer Amobi

Harrison Douglas in honor of George and Betsy Awsumb and John Cox

Trista Dowdy

Lauren Dulaney in honor of Madge Crawford

Mark Dunagan in honor of Vickie Haney

Carl Edge

Devin Eman in honor of Tim McCann

Amee Eubank in honor of Jim Van Es

Katie Flint in honor of Pat Waddell

Matt Flint in honor of Will Camp

David Forgac

Anna Fox in honor of Phil Titus and Kathy O’Mara

Nicholas Glass in honor of David Powell

Matthew Glover

Ben Goldberg in honor of Reba Barnes

Tyshawn Good in honor of Jim Van Es

Shanarra Goode in honor of James Milford

Lindsay Griffin in honor of Beth Wilson

Adrienne Hamil in honor of Tara Inman

Lauren Hampton in honor of Sam Moss

Julia Hansen in honor of Donald Sweeney

Jessica Harris

Rachel Hong in honor of George Awsumb

Britney Hughes in honor of Owen Kinney

Pepe Ivars

Cleve Jackson in honor of Tollie Ross

Gregory Jackson in honor of Jamie Jackson

Fred Johnson in honor of Donnie Ray Tate

Michael Johnson in honor of George Awsumb

Thad Jolly in honor of Tim Garrett

Taylor Josey in honor of Kevin Ivester

Beau Kanskulthorn

Allan Katzef in honor of Kila McCann

Bess Kelley

Katlyn Kerr

Thomas Kuckhoff in honor of Donald Sweeney

Josh Land in honor of Jim Van Es

Rea Law in honor of Owen Kinney

Wright Ledbetter in honor of Will Camp and Stormy Johnson

Kun Sun Lee

Jaemin Lee in honor of Kila McCann

Mike Limpornpipat in honor of Julia Dodd

Michael Lo in honor of George Awsumb and Kay Lowe

Anna Loveless

Cris Lowe in honor of Kay Lowe

Ming-Gean Lu in honor of Raymond Murray and Rachel Turner

Natalie Maffett in honor of Madge Crawford

Ramy Mahfouz

Oscar Martinez-Tirado

Jim Matthews in honor of Jim Van Es

Jawad Mazhir

Kim McAbee in honor of Pat Waddell

Lauren McDaniel

Ian McKenzie in honor of Donald Sweeney

Tamara McKenzie in honor of John Cox

Jessica Moore

Katie Mullen in honor of Julia Dodd

Cha-ame Napombejara in honor of Donald Sweeney and Raymond Murray

Kelsey Nelon

Thuy Nguyen in honor of Cooper House

Rick O'Neal in honor of Gordon Hight and Jason Turner

Will Orr

Costanza Ospina in honor of Owen Kinney

Jin Woo Park in honor of Phil Titus

Monique Picon in honor of Owen Kinney

Patrick Pierson in honor of Tollie Ross

Jackie Pober in honor of Pat Waddell

Miss Laurie Pope

Collie Powers in honor of Jason Turner

Jett Wayne Puckett in honor of David Powell

Alex Purdie

Kurt Purvis in honor of Donald Sweeney

Ethan Ray

Laura Rhoades in honor of Karen Bennett and Jason Turner

Brian Rhoden

Taylor Richardson in honor of Bailey Duncan

Basti Richter in honor of Tim McCann

Sharpe Sablon in honor of Jason Turner

Syaweli Saputra

Stephanie Schecter

Juliet Serabian in honor of Kelly McDurmon

Kevin Shen

Connor Somerville in memory of Anne Somerville

Cedrica Spivey in honor of Kathy O’Mara

Anna Stephenson in honor of Dan Bishop and John Cox

Katie Stout in honor of Brian Inman

Yumehito Takimoto in honor of Dan Bishop

Ariel Tang in honor of Brant Evans

Rachel Tillman in honor of Owen Kinney

Jonathan Tullos

Gavin Tumblin in honor of Vickie Haney

Sam Tumlin in honor of Raymond Murray

Cavin Urquhart in honor of Tara Inman

Murat Varol in honor of Kila McCann

Abby Vincent in honor of Will Camp

Nguyen Vo

Megan Ware in honor of Raymond Murray

John Weeks in honor of Beth Wilson

Eric Wetherington in honor of Phil Titus

Morgan Whitman in honor of Mark Carleton

Mackenzie Wilson in honor of James Milford

Joey Yip

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Atlanta-area alumni phonathons coming soon
March 3, 2009
Darlington School will host two Atlanta-area alumni phonathons to benefit the Annual Fund March 23 and 24. The events will be held at the law offices of Epstein, Becker and Green, located at Resurgens Plaza, 945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2700. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. with the phonathon to follow at 6:30 p.m. A special thanks to Brad Skidmore (’80) for helping host this special event! Please come out and support your alma mater and help us reconnect with your fellow classmates. If you would like to volunteer, contact Jason Turner at 706-236-0419 or 706-252-4628.

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Phonathons raise over $123,000 in two nights
September 17, 2008
In only two nights, volunteers for this year’s Fall Phonathon Week raised $123,025 for the 2008-09 Annual Fund. This puts the total amount raised at $472,726 with the Darlington Community well on its way to achieving this year’s goal of $1.35 million.

“We aimed to raise a minimum of $100,000 this week with two phonathons rather than the usual three, and with the help of 24 alumni and parent volunteers I am pleased to say that we drastically exceeded our goal,” said Jason Turner, Annual Fund gifts officer. “We could not have done this without our dedicated volunteers. I’d also like to thank Trustee Bob Hortman (’72), chairman, for providing strong leadership to this year’s Annual Fund Board of Volunteers. Together, this group is achieving great things for Darlington.”

This week’s volunteers included Hortman, Holly Baldwin, Caroline Seigler Brearely (’99), Linda Brunt, Henry Brown (’51), Cathy O’Neill Dollar (’68), Pete (’57) and Suzy Gilbert, Ivey Harrison (’99), Barry (’83) and Jody (’84) Hurley, Mark and Belinda MacKimm, Ben McElrath (’02), Brian and Gina McWhorter, Jennifer Strickland, Lorie Thoms, Rachel Rice Turner (’98), Pam Ware, Ed Watters (’83), Joe Watters (’80), and Steve (’73) and Ann Wilhoite.

“I’d like to thank each one of these people for their tremendous efforts on Darlington’s behalf. Everyone worked extremely hard to make this week a success,” said Turner. “This reflects a tremendous show of love and support of Darlington by our parents and alumni despite a questionable time for our country’s economy.”

Also, the Middle School became the first division to reach 100-percent participation among faculty and staff in August, with the Lower School achieving the same goal in early September. The Upper School is close behind at more than 90 percent participation.

“I want to give a special thanks to our faculty chairpersons Beth Smith (’87), Susan Stout (’81) and Owen Kinney for heading up a great effort at all three divisions,” said Turner. “These teachers have really set the precedent for faculty giving at Darlington.”

For more information about the Annual Fund, please contact Jason Turner at 706-236-0419. Click here to give online.
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Faculty take on new roles for 2008-09
June 21, 2008
Several faculty and staff members will take on new and/or additional job roles in 2008-09. All changes are affective July 1, unless otherwise noted.
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