Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Darlington Connects: The Heart of Giving Day - Annie Rosen ('02, LD '18)
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Darlington Connects: The Heart of Giving Day - Annie Rosen (’02, LD ’18)

Julia Thomas | January 30, 2025 | 720 views

Annie with her husband, Jon, and their twins.

In this special series of Darlington Connects blogs, we are excited to share the inspiring stories and impactful work of those in our Darlington Community who embody Darlington’s mission of "Service Beyond Self." Today, we hear from Annie Rosen ('02, LD ’18), our reigning Giving Day Queen!

Annie Rosen ('02, LD '18) came to Darlington as a junior boarding student in the fall of 2000 from Charleston, S.C. As a student, she was involved in volunteering and served as the student activities prefect for her house. During her time at Darlington, she shared she had so many impactful teachers and coaches - Coach Bell, Mr. Milford, Ms. Waddell and Mr. Davis.

After Darlington, Annie attended Suffolk University in Boston, Mass., where she earned her B.A. in Art History. She also received her M.B.A. from Columbia University in New York, N.Y., where she lived for 15 years. She has spent most of her career in the technology sector, primarily in business development roles. A year ago, Annie launched her own consulting firm, where she collaborates with technology founders to develop their go-to-market strategies. She also works with financial firms conducting commercial due diligence to evaluate whether a business is worth investing in. 

When asked what advice she would offer our younger alumni, “Take a course on business analytics, or teach yourself the basics of data modeling. In virtually every industry, data is ubiquitous, and decision-making increasingly relies on data sets. If you graduate with the ability to do basic Excel modeling, write SQL queries, and have some familiarity with a business intelligence tool like Tableau or Sisense, you’ll be far more marketable as an employee. More importantly, these skills will empower you to have a greater impact quickly. Not needing to rely on others to find answers is an incredible advantage, and it will set you apart in any field.”

Annie has served on Darlington’s Alumni Council for six years and attributes her participation in Leadership Darlington for “igniting her interest in finding ways to contribute to the school as an engaged and supportive adult.” Annie shared, “While it’s not a single project, I’ve truly enjoyed finding ways to keep alumni engaged with Darlington. This diverse group has so much potential for collaboration and information sharing. Networks are incredibly powerful, and fostering opportunities for alumni to connect as adults can have a lasting impact. I believe these connections are both meaningful and essential for our community.”

When asked what her favorite Darlington Connection story was she said, “How can it not be Izzy (Hortman) Pollard ('08, LD '15), my co-chair of the Darlington Connects Committee, meeting her now-husband through Darlington Connects? That’s a tough one to beat!”

She also shared her favorite story about volunteering: “Obviously, the most memorable moment was outpacing Julie Lucas (’97) in the total number of donors during Giving Day a few years ago.” Annie said she is excited to win again on this year’s Giving Day - Feb. 13!

Annie is thankful for the lasting impact of the relationships she has made through Darlington. “The friendships I formed at Darlington have been truly lifelong," she said. "After graduating, I lived with a few Darlington friends in Boston, and two of my wedding party members were people from Darlington. While living in New York City for over 15 years, I regularly connected with Darlington friends in the city and those visiting from out of town. Our 20th reunion was a blast. Just last month, I enjoyed a girls' weekend with some of these cherished pals.

“Volunteering over the past six years has also allowed me to build new friendships, adding even more depth to the enduring connections I’ve made," she added. "The friends I met at Darlington continue to be some of my favorite people and have had an immeasurable impact on my life.”

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from our Darlington Connects series, where we celebrate those who embody Darlington’s mission of "Service Beyond Self." To learn more about this year’s Giving Day, please visit www.darlingtonschool.org/givingday.