Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Episode 159: A Look at Communication Arts & the Jabberwokk Yearbook
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Episode 159: A Look at Communication Arts & the Jabberwokk Yearbook

April 25, 2024 | 301 views

Welcome to Episode 159 of The Darlington Podcast! 

In this episode, Director of Fine Arts Kim Tunnell talks with Ethan Pender ('16), communication arts teacher, and Jabberwokk yearbook Editor-in-Chief Aiden Parsa ('24), Photo Editor Kaya Nadu ('26) and Design Editor Murray Ellington ('26). They discuss the production of this year's Jabberwokk, the communication arts program and more. 

Kim Tunnell, who has been a member of Darlington’s fine arts faculty since 2001, has over two decades of experience in the classroom. She taught music and chorus classes in the lower and middle grades before being named director of fine arts in 2009. She holds a B.M. and B.M.E. from Shorter College and an M.M.E. from the State University of West Georgia.

Ethan Pender ('16) has served as communication arts teacher since 2022. He holds a B.A. in Political Science, a B.A. in Spanish and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Georgia. After serving as editor-in-chief of Darlington's three student publications (Jabberwokk yearbook, The Darlingtonian online newspaper, and Inkslinger literary magazine) in high school, Pender looked forward to returning to Darlington as a teacher and advisor to students interested in communication arts. 

The Darlington Podcast is a collaboration between the communication and advancement teams, and is hosted by various members of the school community. Episodes are released each Thursday morning and available on most podcast platforms (search for The Darlington Podcast in your podcast player). Once new episodes are posted, you'll also be able to find them at www.darlingtonschool.org/podcast. Please subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so that you'll get the latest episode each week! 

The Darlington Podcast intro music was written and performed by Elliot Luitwieler ('22) and Kathryn Davidson ('22). Jaclyn Haynes, Upper School science teacher, lends her voice and the editing and production of this episode was handled by Maddie Chastain, content manager.

If you have ideas for future episodes or have any questions about The Darlington Podcast, please email communications@darlingtonschool.org