Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Knox Merritt Makes Middle School District Honors Band
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Knox Merritt Makes Middle School District Honors Band

Damon Harvey | December 2, 2023 | 530 views

The Middle School Band had a brave group of students travel to Cass Middle School on Saturday, Dec. 2, and audition for the 2024 GMEA District 7 Middle School Honors Band. This is a significant Honors Band event, and it’s the first step to making the Middle School All-State Band.

We would like to congratulate eighth-grader Knox Merritt for successfully completing the auditions and receiving a high score, which won him a seat in the clarinet section of the 2024 District Honors Band! Clarinet is perhaps the most competitive instrument to be selected on, and District 7 is known to be one of the most competitive districts in the state. 

In order to be successful at these auditions, students had to memorize several scales, learn a challenging etude, and also sight read. This takes a great deal of individual practice time, and the lines of middle school students auditioning that Saturday were long from early morning until late afternoon. Indeed, it is a difficult task to win a seat in this ensemble. 

"It was very difficult and scary to play in front of the judges,” said Knox, who added that he overcame the challenge by practicing almost every day. "I'm most looking forward to playing with people that are probably better than me, playing fun music, and making new friends."

Knox has been a committed member to the Darlington band program since he started playing clarinet in the fourth grade. He signed up for band and attended our Beginning Band Conference Night to try out a few of the instruments. He said he chose the clarinet because it "felt the most natural and looked fun.”

Since then, the band room walls have heard the strong tone that Knox produces nearly every day. He now serves as president of the Middle School Band and has played in both the Middle School Band and Middle School Jazz Band for all three years of his middle school career. He genuinely enjoys playing and learning every new clarinet part he is given. He encourages those around him to give their best effort in the band rehearsal room, and he has been a very strong player since his early years on the instrument, often earning first chair. 

Knox said some of his favorite memories with band have been traveling to Jazz Performance Evaluation with the Jazz Band, where he has helped our Middle School Jazz Band achieve Superior ratings from multiple judges over the last two years. 

Knox is also successful in many other facets of school life at Thatcher Hall. He is a stand-out cross-country runner, who has been recognized this year as one of the fastest in our region, as well as a committed baseball player. Additionally, he serves on the leadership team in Thatcher Hall and holds a position in our National Junior Honors Society. 

But perhaps what I love most about Knox is his humble character. He is easy to talk to, and I think anyone in the band is happy just to sit next to him. I have been impressed by his talent since he began playing for me in the fourth grade. But Knox needs the opportunity to play with more students that are at his ability level. When I presented this challenge to him at the beginning of the year, I felt strongly that Knox could win himself a chair in District Honors Band. Everything Knox does, he does with excellence. I knew he would prepare well and represent Darlington in the finest way possible. As our Middle School Band president this year, he is a leader that everyone respects. Knox is passionate and he is not afraid to be himself. I do rely on him to play many difficult parts, and I know they will all be prepared well. But, again, my favorite part about Knox is how he humbly, but sincerely goes after his interests and then inspires other students to do the same.

Knox will travel to the District 7 Honors Band from Feb. 8-10, just before he attends our middle school trips. The event will be held at Heritage High School and will culminate with a concert. During that time, Knox will play alongside talented middle school musicians from other local schools who were also selected for this honor. He will learn from a guest conductor and return an even better leader in the Darlington band program.

We are so proud to be represented by Knox, and the Darlington bands will be cheering him on as he travels to Heritage in February!