Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia 2021 Baccalaureate Address from Mike Hudson ('94, LD '18)
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
Some text some message..

2021 Baccalaureate Address from Mike Hudson (’94, LD ’18)

Mike Hudson | May 14, 2021 | 473 views

The Class of 2021 selected biology teacher Mike Hudson ('94, LD '18) as this year's Baccalaureate speaker. Here is a transcript of his speech. 

Thank you for that introduction, Maddie…and thank you to the senior class for granting me the honor of speaking to you tonight.

When one of my Zoology classes found out that I would be the speaker for this evening, they asked me if I was excited about it. I told them that I just hoped I didn’t get so nervous that I passed out and fell over the podium. In unison, a few kids responded with, “that would be awesome!”

Even though I am a teacher and in front of a classroom every day, I have never considered myself a public speaker.

I appreciate some of the senior class’s input about potential themes for this address. Things like:

  • How to live your life like a DarFarm chicken….or
  • Comparing each senior to one of the birds we discuss in Zoology – Caroline requested to be the killdeer. Sorry, Leah.
  • Or my favorite suggestion, “Mr. Hudson, just go up there and wing it!”

But seriously, I’ve thought a lot about what I would say this evening. How to address this year…what message I could possibly leave with you. At times, this has been a difficult and challenging year. Too many times, it has been a sad year. A year where we experienced loss, loneliness, even depression. 

And honestly, I’m tired…are you? I wish I had magic words that could change all that, but sometimes nothing can change the difficulties that the universe throws at us.

I thought about telling family stories that I grew up with. Things like how my mom lost her three brothers in World War II. Or how my dad lost his dad when my grandmother was still pregnant with him. Both my parents grew up poor and faced many challenges when they were young. I’ve learned a lot about life from them and their stories.

But as I thought more about it, it occurred to me that billions of people have faced similar and even far greater challenges than that. Many of you probably have similar family stories of struggle and loss. And for those that make it through difficult times, there are often brighter, happier times ahead. 

For instance, my mom who lost her three brothers ended up having a daughter and three sons. My dad who never got to see his father, turned out to be the best dad I could have ever asked for. Their hard work and resilience paid off and my siblings and I have the great fortune of still having them around.  

So, in this year, a year that seemed dark at times. I thought about the points of light that have brightened my way, like –

  • The love and support of my wife – I love how good of a team we make. The tough times are so much easier with her.
  • The Guths – meeting them early in the morning for swimming laps – the energy I get from them and from that exercise has made every day better than it would have been without it
  • Mr. Kinney, the science faculty, all of the Darlington School faculty, the staff, the administration, and the Board of Trustees - their support, and their efforts towards making this school the best working environment I could ask for has made my life better
  • And the parents and families of the Class of 2021 – thank you. Thank you for raising these great kids and entrusting us with their education. Your life-long efforts have allowed all of us to have a brighter year with these great students.

So many of you have helped me overcome the stress, and climb the hills and mountains that this year has presented.

There have been difficult years throughout human history. This past year is no exception. And there will be years in the future that present us with more difficulties and challenges. 

But… here we are! On the eve of your graduation. Celebrating the end of your high school journey. This is a day and weekend to be happy and to be with one another. So, with that in mind, I decided I would focus on you, the Class of 2021.

Our more than 100 shining points of light…like…

  • Helen – the highest performing biology student I have seen in my 21 years in education
  • Maddie - on the first day of school writing “all the fun stuff is gone” on the board in my classroom; I never erased it so I could be reminded that this year would be tough at times
  • Jonathan, Tate and Eli’s knock out performance on the AP Bio exam
  • Eli and Ricky somehow learning a lot in my AP Bio class
  • Ashlyn and her quiet way of working hard and getting things done 
  • Alek and Favour’s powerful intellect
  • Gary, Ivan and Matthew – they always worked in pairs…just like I would ask
  • Angel’s dedication to the DarFarm…the hens thank you
  • Knox, Jackson, Shakeria, Elle, Nadirah and Axel who can just sit in a classroom and make it a pleasant and happy place
  • Tyler and Luke’s daily, energetic greetings
  • Cooper giving me a Georgia Tech mask – it has come in handy so many rushed mornings when I forgot to grab a mask – Go Jackets!
  • EJ and Matthew’s enthusiastic nature documentary narrations
  • Caroline and Leah’s even more enthusiastic narrations
  • Holly and Brinson finishing their work before anyone else
  • Hours of fun and friendly conversations with Owen and with Alex
  • Cam, who occasionally would slap his hand on my head and say, *Cam responds*…I don’t even know what that means
  • Poor, patient Zoe, who always had to work with Cam
  • Elijah and Rashaan’s impressions of Zoe
  • Adam, Oliver and many others… working out before most people are awake
  • Patrick…my third Shealy…who along with Jayden and Luca are all proud chicken-parents of Rodrigo, Len and Finn…you can visit them any time at the coop
  • Lawson sharing videos of birds with Mr. Kinney and me
  • Spencer who voted me as “faculty member most likely to be an extraterrestrial”
  • Lauren and Cameron’s consistent, great work in class
  • Daria and Izzie flexing their creativity in i-period way back in 9th grade
  • Emma, Grace and Cappie’s capability and confidence
  • Ivy Watters single handedly defeating Mt. Vernon in tennis
  • Talking to Joe about cows and goats
  • AUG patiently teaching me how to pronounce his last name…Ningombam…which is exactly how it’s spelled
  • Katie slipping and falling during Creek Week; and the best bird-picture-taker in Zoology ever!
  • Negotiating with Leo
  • Graysen and Jackson – best bio buddies
  • Zoology across the world with Jose and Kevin
  • College advising across the world with Bernice and Sam
  • Artemis and Hannah – telling me about their “movie nights” where they made popcorn and watch all my AP Biology lectures for the past week – that sounds like a terrible movie night
  • Larry…I love Larry…everybody loves Larry

I could go on mentioning names and times that you all brightened my days. You guys are the best! And you guys have served as many points of light that have gotten all of us through this year. 

So…as one of your science teachers and your honored baccalaureate speaker, I want to leave you with one last science lesson about the universe and the Second Law of Thermodynamics… and one request…

The universe is vast, and dark, and cold. It will try to tear you down and it will try to take away the things that you value and love the most. It is harsh. And we are so small compared to it. 

But…we have something. Every single person has a power that can fight against the difficulties and dark times that the universe presents us with…

And that power…is love. Love.

I want every one of you to live long and happy lives. And I want every one of you to grow… and share the love you have… with your family, your friends, your neighbors and with every single person you ever meet because our love is a light.

Now…go enjoy your weekend. Celebrate with your friends and family. Hug your loved ones. Come back and visit one day. 

I love you guys and Darlington loves you. Take care.