Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia First Semester Success in 4th and 5th Grade Chorus
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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First Semester Success in 4th and 5th Grade Chorus

Kim Tunnell | December 15, 2020 | 623 views

Yes, we have had our fair share of challenges in the performing arts world this year. When we started the school year, we weren’t exactly sure how we were going to manage “performances”, that important piece that represents a final product in the world of choral music that meets the requirement for the curriculum standard:  analyze, interpret and select musical works for presentation, utilizing a rhythmic and melodic system to read and sing music appropriate to ability. 

In fourth and fifth grade chorus, which meets once every 8-day rotation, Miss Walker and I were able to approach this experience with a focus on rhythm and melody. Melody leads us to think about how and what is needed to make a good sound. It includes the mechanics of making the sound and also of also understanding the knowledge required to read the music to make the sound. With rhythm, you need to work through the same ideas with reading and experimenting with body percussion to explore what makes a good rhythmic sound. We played games, used a music writing app, sang a little with masks on, listened to great classic music examples of good rhythm and melody and hopefully exposed the students to some new music along the way. The focus on music elements this semester has allowed us to experience and accomplish more of our curriculum and expand skills, knowledge and interest. Amazingly when it came time to put it all together, the experiences and skill development truly supported the performing as it all came together easily.

Through this process we created a "Medley of Rhythm and Song" which is a combination of body percussion meets "Simple Gifts" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" that showcases our understanding of melody and rhythm. You will find the video below. 

We also hope you enjoy the performance of "Hodie Cristus" that was presented as a part of the 37th Annual Festival of Lessons and Carols service on Sunday, Dec. 13. Special thanks to Ben McVety, choral director, who put the "Hodie Cristus" video together for us. Also, a special thanks to Miss Walker for her video editing skills and support in putting the Medley video together.