Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Get to Know: Brant and Ashley Evans
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Get to Know: Brant and Ashley Evans

Jennifer Collins | December 15, 2017 | 1664 views

Playful, entertaining, and absolutely informative, our Get to Know series allows the personalities of the faculty and staff who make up the Darlington Community shine. 

For a decade Brant and Ashley Evans have been a part of the Darlington Community. They have an adorable son, Samuel, and two dogs. 

Ashley has taught Spanish at Darlington since 2008 and also serves as Middle School cross country coach. She holds bachelor’s degrees in journalism and Spanish and an M.Ed. in Foreign Language Education with Certification in ESL from the University of Georgia. For her work at Darlington, Ashley has been recognized with the Brown Faculty Award. 

Brant currently serves as dean of student life at the Upper School. He also teaches AP government classes and coaches baseball. Brant holds a B.A. in History and an M.Ed. in Social Sciences from the University of Georgia. 

Let’s get to know Brant and Ashley better in this week’s installment of our Get to Know series!

Where did you grow up? 
Ashley I grew up in Newnan, Ga.  

Brant I grew up in Augusta, Ga. 

Tell us a little about your family...
Ashley I am married to Brant and we have a son named Samuel who is 20 months old that we adopted in January of 2016. We also have two dogs - a golden retriever named Tucker and a yellow lab named Dixie.

Brant My wife, Ashley, teaches Spanish to 3rd through 5th grade. When we got married the pastor told me, in front of all the guests, that I "out kicked my coverage."  He was right. We have a son, Samuel, who is almost two and is, from what I'm told, "insta-famous."  He's probably the cutest kid ever, and that's completely unbiased...

Why did you choose Darlington? 
Ashley My husband's aunt (Kandi Riddle) worked here so that's how we found out about it. Once we visited the campus, we fell in love and knew this is where we were supposed to be.

Brant I loved the idea of teaching at an academically rigorous institution that would allow for great community and that gave me an opportunity to teach and live in a multinational environment.

Your seven word philosophy on education is…
Ashley Learning should be student centered and fun.

What makes a good teacher? 
Ashley A good teacher is passionate about what they are teaching, and they strive to make it fun and meaningful for their students. Good teachers also form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them.

Brant Someone who has a passion for their subject, cares about their students, and is willing to be thought a fool from time to time.

What music is playing in your car? 
Ashley I typically listen to NPR but if I'm listening to music, it's a worship playlist on my phone.

Brant NPR, Sports talk radio, or Chris Stapleton

What’s your favorite podcast? 
Ashley YoungHouseLove

Brant Dawgnation Daily

Who was your favorite teacher (and why)? 
Ashley I had lots of wonderful teachers but my fourth grade teacher stands out. She made learning fun and we knew she cared about us. Each week she had a student of the week that she would take home after school to spend the afternoon with her. I remember waiting anxiously for my name to be called because I couldn't wait for my turn! At the end of the year she also had a big class party at her house and it was a blast. 

Brant Tim Easler taught me seventh and eighth grade Social Studies;. He was the first to help me find a passion in history and reading. When we had free time in class he always gave us two options, "You can READ, or you can READ!"

My favorite movie is…
Ashley "Pride and Prejudice" and "It's a Wonderful Life"

Brant "Gladiator" and "Field of Dreams"

What makes a good student? 
Ashley A good student is eager to learn and has a positive attitude!

Brant Someone who is willing to work, open to new ideas, and is both self aware and aware of those around them.

My favorite trip was…
Ashley I have had a lot of favorite trips and it's hard to choose just one! Studying abroad in Spain in 2004 is number one because that's where I discovered my passion for the Spanish language and also where I met my husband! Since then, we've been to Guatemala, Jordan and Peru...all amazing trips for different reasons!

Brant Study Abroad in Valencia, Spain 2004. That was where I met my wife (if I don't say that I could be in the dog house). But seriously, that was my favorite.

If I could travel anywhere it would be…
Ashley I would love to go to Cuba, Israel, and Egypt.

Brant Jerusalem

E-book or hardcover? 
Ashley Hardcover

Brant Hardcover

Beach or mountains? 
Ashley Both! But if I have to choose, the beach.

Brant Beach

The last book I read for fun was…
Ashley "La Isla Bajo el Mar" by Isabel Allende

Brant "World Order" by Henry Kissinger

Four people I’d like to take to coffee…
Ashley Beth Moore (writer), Ann Voskamp (writer), Pablo Picasso (if he were still alive), King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan (They started a day/boarding school in Jordan modeled after Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts.) 

Brant Jesus, Marcus Tullius Cicero, George Washington, Neil Armstrong

The best advice I ever received was…
Ashley Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Brant Nothing good happens after midnight.

My hobby is…
Ashley Running, reading, painting

Brant Golf

Cats or dogs? 
Ashley DOGS!

Brant Dogs

Only my friends know…
Ashley ...that my nickname in college was T-Cup Poodle

Brant ...that I speak fluent movie quotes

When I want to crush karaoke, my song is…
Ashley "Like a Prayer" by Madonna

My favorite saying is…
Ashley "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

What I like most about Darlington is…
Ashley The people!

Brant The community. I am lucky that I can say coming to work never really feels like work.