Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Johnson ('15) wins American Voice Award for state, National Silver Medal
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Johnson (’15) wins American Voice Award for state, National Silver Medal

March 26, 2015 | 449 views

Abraham Johnson ('15) attended a special reception this month at SCAD's Atlanta campus for the competition's award winners.

Abraham Johnson ('15) was recognized for his achievement in writing earlier this month in the national Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition. 

The Darlington senior received both the American Voice Award for the state and a National Silver Medal at a ceremony held at the Atlanta campus of the Savannah College of Art and Design. 

The American Voice Award is given to one student in each state to honor the innovative writing potential of the recipient. In winning the National Silver Medal, Johnson has been invited to attend the national awards ceremony in New York City this summer.

As the winner of regional accolades in February, Johnson's written work has be on virtual display at the college throughout the month of March.
"There's this quote by [humorist] Ze Frank that I really love," said Johnson. "'Let me not be so vain to think that I'm the sole author of my victories.'

"Beth Wilson was an undeniably influential teacher in that she took my 'word salad' writing style and, while the process hurt, whipped me into shape so that I can't see or write any piece of rhetoric without instantly dissecting the ethos, logos and pathos," he explained. 

"Katie Ellis was a vastly important teacher for me to have because of her perfect blend of compliment and criticism—even when I thought I was done pushing myself, she put more faith in me and helped me stretch into a better writer.

"David Powell is another massive influence not only in that his sense of humor has been very well appreciated, but his ability to really force students to think both broadly and precisely about the material.
"John Plough, above all of these, has been invaluable. From being a beta reader, hardcore thinker and Darlington's resident humorist, he is my favorite audience to write for," said Johnson. 

Johnson will enroll in the University of Georgia this fall and double major in media arts and film studies. He is the son of Laurie and Dan Johnson of Rome. 

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards dates back to 1923, and was established by The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers to recognize the vision, ingenuity and talent of the nation’s youth. Past winners of the awards have included Sylvia Plath, Robert Redford and Andy Warhol.

Click here for more information about the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.

Click here for more information on Johnson's participation in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards competition.