Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Faculty Directory
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Faculty Directory

Chris Allen
Counselor, Upper School; History Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Christie Atkins
Math Teacher, Upper School
Drew Besson
Math Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Breonna Blankenship
Math Teacher, Upper School
Blake Bourg
Math Teacher, Upper School
Annie Camp
Orchestra Director, 3-12
Mario Cantin
Spanish Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Sam Clark
English Teacher, College Advisor, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Mallory Collier
English Teacher, Upper School
John Cox
English Teacher, Upper School; College Advisor; Residential Duty Staff
Shelley Daniel
Theatre Director, 6-12; Residential Duty Staff
Stefan Eady
Assistant Head of School for Academic Affairs; A.P. Computer Science Teacher; Assistant Coach, Cross Country; Residential Duty Staff
Brant Evans
Assistant Director of School, Upper School
Betina Fuentes
English Department Head; English Teacher, Upper School
Travis Gaug
History Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Carmen Gonzalez Jimenez
Spanish Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Wayne Groves
Director of Strength & Conditioning, Head Football Coach
Doug Hamil
Head of Moser House; Weekend Activities Coordinator
Lisy Hammontree
Spanish Teacher, Upper School
Anna Harris ’11
Speed and Strength Conditioning Coach, Athletics; Residential Duty Staff
Damon Harvey
Band Director, 6-12; Residential Duty Staff
Jaclyn Haynes
Science Teacher, College Advisor, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Keegan Hinsley
English Teacher, Upper School
John Hintermaier
History Teacher, Upper School
Mike Hudson ’94, LD ’18
Science Teacher, College Advisor, Upper School
Brian Inman
History Department Head; History Teacher, Upper School; Junior Grade Level Chair
Alex Johnson
Choral Director, Residential Duty Staff
Jennifer Kelley
English Teacher, Upper School
Owen Kinney
Science Department Head; Science Teacher, Upper School
Barbara Kuckhoff
Science Teacher, Upper School
Brendan Leezer
Science Teacher, Upper School
Alan Liow
History Teacher, Upper School
Mark Loudermilk
Physical Education Teacher, Upper School
Aaron McCollum
Math Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Kathy O’Mara
Art Teacher, Upper School; College Adviser
Ethan Pender ’16
Communication Arts, Upper School
Stephani Perkins
Science Teacher, Upper School
Kimberly Pichardo
Spanish Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Nehemiah Reddish
Physical Education Teacher, Upper School
Heather Shores
History Teacher, Upper School
Al Shorey
Math Department Head; Math Teacher, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Melissa Smyly
Director of Curriculum and Instruction; Residential Duty Staff
Barrick Wade
Math Teacher, Upper School
Jordan West
Librarian, Upper School; Residential Duty Staff
Jared Willerson
History Teacher, College Advisor, Upper School
Chad Woods
Director of Upper School, College Advisor