The Darlington School Soccer Academy is constantly working to give important and relevant data to players and parents, as well as tools for college coaches. Today's athletes and coaches want more data than ever before to analyze performance.
In February, the Soccer Academy contracted a GPS system to track the distance, speed, and overall players' movements throughout a game/training session. Playertek is a company trusted by most of the English Premier League Teams and has made cutting edge technology very user-friendly with simple, yet powerful reports and player comparisons.
Attached are several documents (.PDF files of the images above) that show a heat map of the players' movements throughout a game against Young Harris College, as well as total distance and maximum speeds.
The game result was a 2-2 tie versus a college program, and the GPS information shows just how hard our players had to work for that result. Results show that a few of our players actually traveled over 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) during the 90-minute game.
We hope that these reports help player accountability, as well as help their parents understand just how hard our players work. We want our parents to be engaged in their child's soccer experience in every way we can.
While it is not the power of Darlington's website and grade book, it is neat data for parents to "experience" a bit from a distance.
Click here to learn more about the Darlington School Soccer Academy.