Monday, May 8, 2023 | By Damon Harvey | 211 views
Congratulations to Victor Chin ('28), Asher Kizziah ('29), Charlie Cowan ('29) and Ethan Montague ('29), who were selected from Darlington to participate in GMEA District 7 Clinic Honors Band. This honor band festival is for younger middle school band students in the sixth and seventh grades. The event was held at Hammond Creek Middle School in Dalton, Ga. These four band members arrived in the morning and worked all day with many other young band students from local schools. They rehearsed, worked in sections, played team games and watched a performance by a collegiate trumpet ensemble. In the top band, Cowan played percussion and Montague was on trumpet. In the second band, Kizziah played clarinet and Chin was on tuba. These students represented Darlington extremely well and handled their parts competently. Great work, Tiger musicians!