Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Q&A with Incoming Student Body President William Feng
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Q&A with Incoming Student Body President William Feng

Tannika King | March 30, 2021 | 893 views

Rising senior William Feng, who has spent the 2020-2021 school year as a virtual learner at home in Shanghai, China, couldn't be more excited about returning to the Darlington campus in August for his senior year and the opportunity to serve as president of the student body. Hear more from him in the Q&A below.

How long have you been a student at Darlington?

Almost three years. I came to Darlington in 2018 as a freshman. 

What made you choose to come to Darlington?

The campus, academic atmosphere and, most importantly, the unique family bond among students. 

Describe your Darlington experience so far.

I really enjoy spending my time at Darlington. I have made many friends from around the globe. I have participated in meaningful activities and community services. Despite taking online classes this year due to the pandemic, we are still very connected to the community. Therefore, I have a special affection for my classmates, my teachers, and everything at Darlington. 

What are you involved in at Darlington? 

Honor Council secretary, leader in Summebell House, stage manager of theater productions, leading a Chinese iPeriod (student-taught class) since my freshman year, vice president of the Physics Club, member of the tennis team

Why do you think it is important to get involved in the life of the school and how has that impacted your Darlington experience?

Getting involved in the life of the school is important because there are so many opportunities to make friends and to improve social skills and leadership abilities. Getting involved makes me be proud of Darlington. It is a memorable experience for me at Darlington because I better understand the importance of community and the joy to win collective honors. 

What made you decide to run for student body president?

I have served on the Student Council for three years, so I am willing to contribute more to the community and shoulder more responsibilities. 

How did you feel when you found out you had been selected? 

Very thrilled and honored. 

Why is this such an important student leadership position at the school?

The student body is the most important part of Darlington. This position is important because I am responsible for establishing a liaison between the school administration and the student body. 

What do you hope to accomplish as student body president? 

I want everyone to be proud of Darlington. 

First of all, I want to retain some popular events organized by the Student Council. I want to address demands and needs from students through the continuation of town hall meetings. I also want to strengthen the family atmosphere among our students by celebrating festivals with rituals so that students with different cultural backgrounds can find the feeling of home at Darlington.

What are you most looking forward to about being back at Darlington next year?

All students returning to campus, seeing each other face to face, all classes and activities returning to normal, and ringing the school bell to open the 2021-2022 school year.