Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Professional Development Spotlight: Visiting the Ron Clark Academy
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Professional Development Spotlight: Visiting the Ron Clark Academy

Rebekah Kinney | February 1, 2018 | 5619 views

Thanks to the generous support of the Thatcher Faculty Development Fund, I had the opportunity to spend a day at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta. My main goal was to learn new ideas and teaching techniques to take back to Darlington. Honestly, visiting the Ron Clark Academy (RCA) has been a dream of mine for years. I have closely followed Mr. Clark’s journey, read his books, and have tried to implement his practices into my classroom as a teacher. It was an honor and privilege to meet him and observe him in class.

Mr. Clark’s innovative way of teaching is a three-pronged approach involving student engagement, culture, and rigor. He aims to put students into a good mood so they are more likely to retain information. He makes a point of creating personal relationships with his students and their families. And lastly, his classes are extremely demanding. He teaches to the top students, so the gifted are challenged and the others are inspired to catch up to their level. The students in each classroom were engaged, motivated, and more than anything full of joy! An important part of student engagement and active learning at RAC is the use of meaningful music and movement in the learning process. In his classroom, Mr. Clark spends a lot of time rapping lessons, dancing, and jumping on desks. You can tell his students are engaged and excited about learning, but the rigor is present as well.

The Ron Clark Academy uses techniques that can benefit schools everywhere. RCA is a demonstration school and a place where visiting educators engage in a vibrant professional development experience by observing best practices in action before participating in hands-on workshops. Each Friday, 500 educators visit the Ron Clark Academy to observe the teachers and students, and the classrooms are equipped to allow at least 50 educators to sit and observe comfortably. I was in awe of these fellow educators. I cannot imagine the amount of stamina it must take to welcome 500 visitors into your classroom each week while you teach a lesson and provide meaningful information educators can take back and implement in their schools.


I am grateful for the opportunity I was given to participate in the RCA experience while learning better ways to engage students, promote academic rigor, and create a climate and culture that promotes success.


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