Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Get to Know: Sam Moss III ('63)
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Get to Know: Sam Moss III (’63)

Jennifer Collins | November 24, 2017 | 1125 views

Playful, entertaining, and absolutely informative, our Get to Know series allows the personalities of the faculty and staff who make up the Darlington Community to shine. 

Ever the dapper and charming gentleman, Sam Moss ('63) has been a member of Darlington's faculty since 1982. He currently serves as dean of college guidance, chairman of the college advisors, English teacher and president of the Cum Laude Society. Following his graduation from Darlington in 1963, Sam earned a B.A. from the University of the South (Tenn.) and an M.A.T. from Jacksonville University (Fla.) before completing additional study at Oxford University in England.  

How long have you worked at Darlington?
35 years

Where did you grow up?
Rome, Ga. - Darlington Class of 1963

Tell us a little about your family…
I have a sister who lives here in Rome; and a niece and her daughter; a nephew and his wife and their two children.

Why did you choose Darlington? 
Fresh out of Sewanee, I was hired as a first-year teacher to be on the original faculty of Episcopal High School in Jacksonville, Fla., when it opened. In my 15 years there, I taught English at every level, grades 7 through 12, served as Dean of Boys, Dean of Students, Director of College Counseling, and Administrative Dean.

I was contacted by Darlington's president, Mr. McCallie, and intrigued when he said that he "hoped to lure me back to Darlington."  Doc Regester,  who had been my AP English teacher, mentor, and personal hero when I was a student, was retiring his position as college counselor,  and Mr. McCallie hoped that I would be interested in succeeding him. The temptation was too great to pass up!

Your seven word philosophy on education is… 
Take the best care possible of students.

What makes a good teacher? 
First and foremost,  a good teacher must like – and enjoy – the students. Secondly, he must be competent in and passionate about the subject matter. Third, he must be willing to engage on a personal level with his students as people – and care about all of their needs as growing young adults. Finally,  a good teacher must partner with the students to help them create, imagine, learn, and grow – not just view the teacher's role merely as that of a dispenser of knowledge.

What music is playing in your car? 
Sirius XM – 40s, 50s, and 60s channels

What’s your favorite podcast? 
I don't know what that is!

Who was your favorite teacher (and why)? 
Without a doubt, Doc Regester. He was scholarly, patient, and witty. He taught all of us how to write and always had the reputation of being the best writing teacher ever at Darlington. 

My favorite movie is… 

What makes a good student? 
The willingness to keep an open mind, to work hard, not to be discouraged by failure or mistakes but to learn from them,  to use the imagination, to be willing to question, debate, and discuss ideas.

My favorite trip was… 
England in 1967 – and the 17 subsequent trips to the UK in the years since – although that first one was absolutely the most fascinating! There's nothing quite like the first trip abroad!

If I could travel anywhere it would be… 
Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy

E-book or hardcover? 

Beach or mountains? 

The last book I read for fun was… 
“Camino Island” by John Grisham

Four people I’d like to take to coffee… 
Prince Harry,  John Grisham,  Michelle Obama, Tom Hanks

The best advice I ever received was… 
"Always have the wisdom to seek the advice of others – and then the good sense to make up your own mind."

 This advice was given to me by W. J. Judd,  Darlington's Headmaster

My hobby is… 
I love to travel, watch movies, and read spy thrillers and mystery novels.

Cats or dogs? 

Only my friends know I…
...don't take myself as seriously as other people take me!

When I want to crush karaoke, my song is…
"Stop - In the Name of Love" - Diana Ross and the Supremes!

My favorite saying is… 
"To change and to improve are two different things." - German proverb

What I like most about Darlington is…
Just the sheer fun of being surrounded by young students, young teachers, and young parents. It energizes me! I like living and working in a high energy environment!