Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Upper School: Growing Student Leaders
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Upper School: Growing Student Leaders

Max Roach | August 22, 2013 | 245 views

Yesterday, the student body arrived for our first Upper School chapel service: the installation of student leaders for the 2013-14 school year. This is one of my favorite events that takes place to kick off the school year because it highlights our dedication to the development of young leaders at Darlington.

Although there are numerous student leadership opportunities at Darlington, this special ceremony highlights the installation of the House Senate, Honor Council, Discipline Committee, Student Executive Committee and Y-Cabinet. During the ceremony, faculty and students lead the student body in prayer, these main bodies of student government are introduced, and the elected student leaders give speeches and make their vows.  

Students were reminded that the offices to which they were elected and are positions of service. As the student leaders stepped forward to the front of the chapel, I told them, "You have received the votes of your classmates for these positions of leadership and service... It is my pleasure to welcome you into the shared leadership of the school. It's my hope that each of you will be aware, at all times, that you have been called to serve others within our community... What becomes of that special tradition now rests in your hands because you are receiving, in trust, the commitment of all those who have gone before and will follow you in these offices." Through a series of faculty questions, students responded aloud, in unison "I will," vowing to honor their commitments.  

After closing prayers by a student and faculty member, the House Senate vice president directed the assembly to stand for the recitation of the school motto. In unison, the entire student body called out:

Wisdom More than Knowledge
Service Beyond Self
Honor Above Everything 

It was powerful. After a few brief announcements, the Class of 2014 was asked, for the first time, to lead the student body out of the chapel. The call was greeted with an exuberant cheer!  

I can honestly say that it is SO GREAT to be back in session! It's going to be a great year.