Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Transforming Lives Through Teaching
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Transforming Lives Through Teaching

Tom Whitworth | March 11, 2011 | 998 views

One of the many ways the Second Century Campaign will transform lives is by making it easier for Darlington School to recruit and retain high quality faculty. Teachers, coaches, advisors, residential life staff – these are the people who have made the Darlington experience so special for our students for over 100 years.

We recognize this and that’s why $10 million of our $90 million campaign goal will be used to substantially increase endowment designated for faculty salaries and support.

Charla Brewster, a 32-year veteran faculty member and the incoming dean of grades 5 and 6, transforms lives every day inside her fifth-grade classroom in Thatcher Hall. Click here to learn more about Charla, her love for Darlington, and her collaboration with fellow fifth-grade teachers BeBe Cline and Perree Collier. The Second Century Campaign will allow Darlington to recruit more teachers like Charla.

I have an exciting opportunity for those who reply promptly. A generous friend of Darlington has issued a challenge to match dollar-for-dollar all gifts to faculty support up to $500,000. This commitment allows you to double the impact of your gift. Many of you have already chosen to take part in the challenge, and for that I thank you.

If you have not yet had an opportunity to participate in the Second Century Campaign, I ask that you consider a gift to support faculty endowment. We need your help to ensure that this important goal is met and Darlington’s long-standing tradition of legendary faculty continues into the next century.

Click here to honor your favorite faculty member(s) by making a gift to the Second Century Campaign. If you have already made your gift, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.