For the first time in Darlington School history the senior class has reached 100-percent participation in giving back to its alma mater. Each year seniors are encouraged make a donation to the Annual Fund as their first step toward recognizing the roles and responsibilities they have as alumni.
Last year, the Class of 2007 was challenged anonymously by a local trustee who promised a $2,007 gift to the Annual Fund in the class’ honor if every senior made a donation. While the Class of 2007’s participation was strong, they were unable to meet 100 percent.
The same trustee issued a challenge this year to the Class of 2008, and on May 5, Tuan Pham’s donation meant all 114 seniors were on board. As promised, the trustee will make a $2,008 gift to the Annual Fund.
"This is an unprecedented step for a graduating class at Darlington," said Jason Turner, annual gifts officer. "The Class of 2008 was presented with the challenge during a senior retreat on April 22, and within two weeks they had met their goal."
Together, the seniors raised more than $600 for the Annual Fund, making gifts in honor of faculty, staff, coaches and advisers. Two students chose to honor Shem Thomas, who served as Darlington's janitor in the early 1900s. Thomas earned the school's first honorary summa cum laude diploma when he retired from Darlington after 40 years.
“The Class of 2008 sent a message that they care about the people they are leaving behind – teachers, students and those who will attend Darlington in the future,” Turner said. "The leave a legacy that clearly defines their loyalty, love and support for Darlington. It’s a pretty special gesture.”
Senior Gifts:
Austin Alford in honor of Brian Inman
Salim Ali
Arielle Alviar
Cody Anderson
Jimmy Barrett
Tyson Betts
Kaycie Bevis
Morgan Birdsong
Elise Bliss in honor of John Cox
Kendall Brooks in honor of Madge Crawford
Grover Brown
Natalie Brock
Starla Brumit in honor of Owen Kinney
Elizabeth Buice in honor of Phil Titus
Grant Bushkuhl
Marina Calloway in honor of Jason Turner
Ben Cantrell
Lee Cantrell in honor of Pat Waddell
Matthew Carlos
Renard Carlos
Pattanun Chanpiwat
Camp Chisholm
Mu-jung “Ryan” Chiu in honor of David Powell and Julia Dodd
EunJin Cho
Sarah Clements in honor of Madge Crawford
Caroline Coble
Patrick Collier
Jim Collins
Cecilia Colombo in honor of Alan Parish
Nash Cooper
T.J. Crews
Claire Davis
Alex Dean in honor of Tim McCann
Meagan Dingler
Jessica Dixon
Hannah Dodd
Gage Doss
Elliot Echols
Turner Edwards
Derricus Ellis in honor of Jason Turner
Grier Fricks
Drew Fuller in honor of Donald Sweeney
Ryan Gaffney in honor of Donald Sweeney
Mac Gilliland
Jay Graham
Andrew Green
Ashley Greene
Brandi Greenwald
Jefferson Grizzard
Paul Groover in honor of Mitch Jordan
Kendra Harris in honor of Stormy Johnson
Garrett Henderson in honor of Blake “Mad Dog” Henderson
Brittany Hightower
Elizabeth Hortman
Kent Hubbard in honor of Raymond Murray and Tim McCann
Lucy Izard
Ben Jackson in honor of Kent Harrison and Blake “Mad Dog” Henderson
Jennifer Johnson
Summer Jones
Tim Kim
Katherine Knight in honor of Karen Bennett
Chi “Ivan” Binh La
Ricardo Lau Wu
Chang-sup Lee in honor of Julia Dodd
Andy Lewis
Laura Lynch
Douglas MacKimm in honor of Tim Foote and Raymond Murray
Lauren Mauer
Ka “Jack” Chun Mok in honor of Kila McCann
Clint Monteith in honor of Skip Saunders
Gibbons Monteleone in honor of Raymond Murray
Mary Beth Montgomery in honor of Pat Waddell
Andy Montgomery
Chutimun “Arm” Napombejara in honor of Donald Sweeney
Songkiat “A” Nutalaya
Kelly O’Mara in honor of Owen Kinney
Logan O’Riley
Cooper O’Shaughnessy
Mike Ostbye in honor of Raymond Murray
Sarah Pate
Trey Payne
Tuan Pham
Cole Phillips
Bryce Pitts
Korey Pitts
Daniel Powell in honor of Shem Thomas
Katie Powers
Tianyu Pu
Ross Rhoades in honor of Raymond Murray
Brennen Riddle in honor of Pat Waddell
Justin Rufen-Blanchette in honor of Jim Van Es
Christina Rutledge in honor of Kay Lowe
T.J. Shea
Lacey Sheppard
MacKenzie Sidwell
Justin Smith in honor of Owen Kinney
Esa Sofian
Courtney Stevens
Caroline Steverson
Samantha Stockseth
Ali Terrell in honor of Raymond Murray and Phil Titus
Pooja Tiwari
Baylee Tudor
Jenna Marie Van Es in honor of Jim Van Es
Nguyen Vo
Dane Walsh in honor of Shem Thomas
Kate Waters in honor of Tim Foote
Jennifer Watford
Landon Watters in honor of Pat Waddell and Brian Inman
Brooke Wilkins in honor of Dan Bishop
Annie Williams
Patrick Wilson in honor of the football coaching staff
Claire Wyatt in honor of David Powell
Dam-Sil Yoo