Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia 15075
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Middle School participates in Veteran’s Day event

November 11, 2008 | 93 views

Seventh-grader Hannah Mae Deems recites the Pledge of Allegiance.

The entire Middle School student body visited Myrtle Hill Cemetery Nov. 11 to take part in the city’s annual Veteran’s Day ceremony.

“Our history classes study the countless conflicts that our nation has been involved in, so it is important for our students to recognize and understand the high price that many Americans have paid for us to enjoy the freedoms and liberties that are often taken for granted,” said Joey Rice, Middle School history teacher.

The ceremony included the raising of the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” and “God Bless America,” remarks by Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.), the placing of wreaths on the Tomb of the Known Soldier, a gun salute, and the release of 21 doves.

“Veteran’s Day gives all of us this opportunity to express our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy, freedoms that are paid for by the sacrifices of our brave men and women who have never failed to answer the call of duty with honor, dignity and excellence,” Gingrey said. “So on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of this eleventh month, I want to express my deep appreciation to every veteran and the service men and women who have fought for our country. We can never do enough to thank them. Veteran’s Day is part of our country’s soul. Every American should use today as an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices not only of our soldiers, but of their families as well.”

Darlington students held small American flags and several banners that read “Darlington Middle School thanks our veterans.” During the ceremony, eighth-graders Blair Holcombe and Will Warren placed a wreath at the base of the Tomb of the Known Soldier on behalf of the students at the Middle School

“It was really neat to see all of the veterans at the ceremony,” Holcombe said. “It made me think about everything they went through for us. I felt special to be a part of something so great.”

Warren added, “I was grateful to be a part of the ceremony. Afterwards, an elderly gentleman came over and thanked us for helping keep Veteran’s Day alive. It was an experience I will never forget.”