Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Senior Ventures Spotlight: Ashlyn Woods
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Senior Ventures Spotlight: Ashlyn Woods

Ashlyn Woods | December 4, 2020 | 241 views

As high school students, we are continuously faced with obstacles that may pertain to our mental and physical health. For example, we, as adolescents, are usually in a constant state of worry that involves meeting deadlines, earning impeccable grades, applying to colleges, facing a teacher, maintaining good physical health, or simply engaging in conversations with our peers. As a senior, I am constantly weighed down by the stress of determining what college, environment, and career that will be suitable for me to flourish within for the future. I believe students should be provided with the tools and guidance to cope with these implications. It is this belief that has spurred the necessity to have a public virtual lifestyle publication.

A publication is a great way to include several resources all in one location. Readers will be able to explore the topics of wellness, nourishment, and movement in the virtual lifestyle magazine. Within each specified column, there will be informative articles and opinionated pieces that will allow the readers to walk away feeling enlightened with their newly acquired knowledge. Not only will students enjoy the reading aspect of the articles but will also be delighted with the visual appeal of the virtual publication. I will be writing all the articles, and I plan to take most of the photos included in the publication myself along with outside sources. 

As an ally to the mental health community and my fellow peers, I am willing to spread mental health awareness and share ways to cope with anxiety amongst the community along with informing the population about fashion and food sustainability. 

The Senior Ventures leadership program is a year-long senior project built on a framework of leadership, innovation, and community engagement. The topic and the project design are chosen by an individual student or a pair of students, and the journey is guided by Darlington faculty as well as mentors in the community. Most projects fall into one of the following categories: Investigation, Performance, Entrepreneurship, and Outreach. Candidates are selected according to proposal quality, feasibility, and commitment.