Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Stinchcomb to depart Darlington at end of school year
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Stinchcomb to depart Darlington at end of school year

March 26, 2015 | 1730 views

Head of School Brent Bell announced today that Athletic Director Bob Stinchcomb's tenure at Darlington will come to a close at the end of June.

"I have accepted, despite my best protestations, the resignation of Dr. Bob Stinchcomb, director of athletics, effective at the end of the school year," Bell said in a letter to faculty and staff. "In his communication with me, Bob once again demonstrated his unquestioned integrity by sharing that it was time for him to pursue the next chapter in his professional life and spend more time with his family."

Stinchcomb came to Darlington in July 2008 with 27 years of previous experience in the high school and college arenas, including positions as special teams coordinator at the University of South Carolina, recruiting coordinator at Auburn University, and interim head football coach at Samford University. 

In his seven years as a Tiger, he has helped put Darlington's athletic programs on the map in more ways than one.

"The greatest highlight [of my time at Darlington] has been watching our student-athletes cross the stage of graduation," Stinchcomb said. "Here is a great example: Anna Swafford, former Tiger standout in softball, recently hit a grand slam home run for the University of Georgia's softball team. Today, her sister, Emily, signed a college scholarship with Armstrong Atlantic."

Stinchcomb has served as president of the Georgia Athletic Directors Association (GADA) and as GADA's Leadership Training Coordinator for all athletic directors in the state. In 2014, GADA selected Stinchcomb as its nominee for the NIAAA Frank Kovaleski Professional Development Award. 

Stinchcomb has also served on the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) Executive Committee and The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators (NIAAA) Publication Committee. His work has been published numerous times in professional journals.

"Darlington has given me a tremendous opportunity to grow both professionally and personally," Stinchcomb said. "I have published two of my nine national publications while at Darlington and been asked to speak at two NIAAA National Conferences."

Locally, he has been instrumental in bringing exposure to Darlington's athletic facilities through community partnerships. He served on the NAIA Host Committee for several years and, most recently, worked with Berry College officials to host some of the institution's first-ever football games at Darlington's Chris Hunter Stadium.

In 2012, Stinchcomb was named Region Athletic Director of the Year for the third time in his career. (He was also named State Class AAAAA Region Athletic Director of the Year in 2003 prior to his time at Darlington.) 

With Stinchcomb at the helm, the school's athletic programs have focused on developing and fine-tuning skills, while also promoting teamwork, sportsmanship, and the importance of academics. Under his leadership, Darlington has remained highly competitive, securing a number of of area, region and state titles. The school has also seen the expansion of its sports academies to include golf.

"It is always fun to watch our student-athletes compete and I make it a point to travel to as many playoff games as possible," Stinchcomb said. "In my seven years here, Darlington has claimed 49 Region Championships, 12 Individual State Champions and four Team State Championships.

"While all of that was very important to me, nothing meant more than walking my daughter, Jena, down the aisle of the Morris Chapel on her wedding day," he added. "My wife, Debbie, and I also had the pleasure of seeing both of our children graduate from college during our time here at Darlington. "

An NIAAA Certified Master Athletic Administrator, Stinchcomb holds a B.S. in Physical Education and Health from Bethel College, an M.S. in Athletic Administration from Florida State University and an Ed.D. in Sports Management from the United States Sports Academy.

"While I did not work with Bob for a long time, I know that he is a life-long learner and a man who has served Darlington at the highest level during his tenure," Bell said. "We all share in the pride of knowing that Bob became 'Dr. Bob' during his time with the school. Bob is one of the most respected voices in high school athletics in the State of Georgia, and we are thankful for his service to the Tigers!"

Stinchcomb said he and his wife will treasure the relationships they have built within the Darlington Community.

"I will miss my fellow administrators, coaches, students, parents ... and, of course, the purple. I have lots of purple," he laughed. "My future is held by a strong spirituality which guides faith and direction each day. It is time for another chapter in my life. That chapter has not been written yet. I hope it is a good read!"

Matt Peer, director of Upper School, will lead the search for Stinchcomb's successor. 

"There is still much work to be done, and Bob will continue to be a leader in that regard through the rest of the year," Bell said. "At the same time, we wish Bob and Debbie only the greatest success in their new adventure."